Monday, May 14, 2007

In Her Dreams

I'm going for Poetry Monday. Yes these are song lyrics from a song I have with Ted Daffen Music Publishing. I wrote this 11 years ago-and it blows my mind that I was ever in this place. Things have changed so much. I have love-all my dreams are coming true. But sometimes its good to look back and see where we've been-so we never take for granted where we are.

She's 22 years old, and still afraid of the dark.
Still afraid to live out on her own,
and far too scared to give her heart.
And she's a heartache for her mama,
cause her baby girl wont dare to take a chance.
She doesnt understand the melody of life,
so she chooses not to dance.

But deep in the middle of the night,
her heart views the most amazing sites.
And in every scene she plays the part,
of the beauty that wins, the hero's heart.
Awake she runs from shadows, she blends into the wall,
but in her dreams she has it all

Oh but her dreams are grand,
all adventure and desire.
But then the morning comes,
and she keeps herself so far from the fire.
And she wishes things were different,
yes she wishes every night and every day.
And she's worried that if something doesnt give,
well she might just...fade away.

Repeat Chorus:
But deep in the middle of the night,
her heart views the most, amazing sites.
And in every scene she plays the part,
of the beauty that wins, the hero's heart.
Awake she runs from shadows, she blends into the wall....but in her dreams she has it all.


Blogger Crystal Jordan said...

That's so beauuuutiful, RG!

12:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love it. You are so talented.

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's so lovely!

12:45 PM  
Blogger Rhian said...

gorgeous RG - i keep humming in my head trying to find the music that goes with it.

12:47 PM  
Blogger Anna J. Evans said...

Hey RG, I've never been to your blog before, but I really enjoyed those lyrics. I think that's a feeling so many young women have when they're in their early 20's. It's a very disenfranchised time.

Thanks for sharing! Really enjoyed it.

Anna J. Evans

12:59 PM  
Blogger Robin L. Rotham said...

OMG, R.G., we are soul sisters! I got chills when I read this. Yeah, baby, I did!

We must chat...

1:36 PM  
Blogger MommaBoo said...


Funny..I STILL feel that way sometimes and I'm 28!

Hope you had a nice mother's day!

C-ya later.

p.s. I LOVE the pic you have on the top of your blog! The shirtless guy....yummy!


2:34 PM  
Blogger Julia Phillips Smith said...

"And she's a heartache for her mama, cause her baby girl won't dare to take a chance."

Love those lines! In a very short space, you've given us her relationship with her mother, her mom's very real character, and the inner hope that the main character will find courage someday. I'm now wishing I could hear it as a song...

Love your moonscape on your blog header!

5:33 PM  
Blogger R.G. ALEXANDER said...

Thanks everyone!
Anna-nice to see you!at the time I felt like the only one in the world-but you're right-so many go through it.
Robin-you got it superstar!
jennieboo-I love my shirtless guy too ;)
julia-thanks for coming over!I'm glad you like it-and the moonscape as well. Jodie my web designer is awesome!

6:27 PM  
Blogger Rashenbo said...

Ooo, that is awesome. I love the closing... in her dreams she has it all, that's a great way to end it. Thank you for sharing. I think these are some great lyrics you have here!

7:30 PM  
Blogger Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Ooh, yeah. I get this character. I was this character for a very long time. In part, I still am.

I think most of us are.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful, lyric piece. The refrain works really well -

Awake she runs from shadows, she blends into the wall,
but in her dreams she has it all

My poem, written in 2001, is also up.

8:21 PM  

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