Thirteen Things I Want For Christmas {greedy girl}

1. Peace
2. A new computer with a flat screen monitor and enough RAM to write my stories without issues
3. Warm fuzzy socks to slide around on.
4. Did I say a new computer?
5. Being published-or at least offered a contract-before the New Year.
6. RWA Conference Fee
7. Good Health for my family and friends
8. A vibrator with ball thingies inside {LOL-thats a wish that really goes well with peace on earth}
9. A new filing cabinet-ok maybe I just need to organize the one I have. :}
10. A slice of chocolate raspberry Christmas cheesecake {even better if it didnt have any calories lol}
11. A pet Wookie
12. New books from my favorite authors instead of all these compilations and rereleases of books of I've already read! {thats a rant for later}
13. To be sitting in front of my new computer looking at an email from a publisher who wants to offer me a contract while wearing my fuzzy socks and stroking my pet Wookie. :}