Tomorrow Book 2 of my Children of the Goddess series,
Lux in Shadow, will be released from
Samhain Publishing.
I'm pretty excited.
August and September are my menage months. Lux in Shadow is a bi-menage m/m/f
And then September 17th, Piercing the Veil, Book 2 of the Temptation Unveiled series, is a m/f/m menage
with my poor, cursed, sexy Vikings Val and Hawk from Book 1.
I'll talk more about them later though.
It really was pure coincidence that had both my menages coming out so close together. Just a twist of release date fate. But honestly they are two of my favorite stories so far, and no, not just because I happen to LOVE menage stories (though I do)
And it wasn't just because I was returning to familiar worlds in both, though thats always a treat for me.
I just really enjoyed walking with these characters for a while. Linnea from Veil and her determination to protect her child in the face of a truly insane situation
Sylvain and her enjoyment of the simplest of things, like a bubble bath, after thousands of years in hiding.
Finding out that Arygon was not the jerk I believed him to be in the first story. And that Lux wasn't quite as happy go lucky of a playboy as he seemed.
And the brothers Hawk and Val? Well, just finding out how their weird curse came about was fascinating for me. And then seeing how they'd evolved with it, how it didn't break them, made me admire them all the more.
I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I enjoyed getting to know them.
Oh and I'm planning on posting an excerpt from Lux in Shadow here tomorrow to celebrate its release.
Contest Question #4 Another author has a menage release at Samhain tomorrow-we're menage buddies!-Tell me who it is and the name of the book.